Western States: Week 5


Just trying to find a little balance this week.

This week I was back to hill workouts.   After a week of rest, I was feeling fresh and ready to get back to training at the start of the week.  However, I picked up 7 more work hours(time on feet) so by the end of the week I was pretty worn out.  I also think because usually after my workouts I have an hour or two before getting back to any work, I am very good about refueling, but this Tuesday after my lunch run/lift I neglected to prepare for refueling properly, and the next few days my runs suffered.  (noted, and week 6 I am going into it with plenty of pre prepared foods and easy crock pot meals that will be ready for me to eat.)

My weeks have turned into a back and forth of early morning runs, and mid day lunch runs.  My body is getting into the habit of early-pop-out-of-bed wake ups, followed by leisurely morning wake ups every other day.  I’m hoping that if I take my time and stretch and eat and do some mobility my body will feel better on my vo2 max days.

  • Monday: Easy 5 trail miles
  • Tuesday: Vo2 max workout 4×3 minute hill repeats.  Tuesdays I had a lot of work as well as this workout, so I ate a big breakfast, did some mobility and then a few hours of work.  I took my lunch break and did my workout and felt amazing! Strava data can be found https://www.strava.com/activities/1383445372/embed/1ba0a9513e78a997dab97f8cf3763eb01aa1d9f5” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>here, It is a hill workout, not sure why my Suunto didn’t pick up the hill.  The hill data can be found https://www.strava.com/activities/1360480160/embed/c97b0dae708ea0a7df47432cf1f8f1b96e280bf4” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>here  from a previous workout.  Unfortunately I went right back to work after only having a very small snack.  By the time I got home at 6 pm I was too tired to make a good meal, and think that the next two days were a result of this silly mistake.
  • Wednesday: Easy-sleepy hour shake out run on trails
  • Thursday: Another lunchtime vo2 workout, but this time my legs were FLAT.  The second I started the first repeat I could tell my body wasn’t recovered.  Do you ever have that feeling of “hollow” legs, like there is no energy in them to contract your muscles.  I tried pushing harder, pumping my arms more, getting my legs to turn over faster…blah.  I just couldn’t move fast enough to get my HR up.  It was frustrating at first, but not every workout can be perfect or faster than the one previous, so as I made my way back to my car I looked back on what I ate and realized my Tuesday mistake.  DON’T FORGET TO EAT ENOUGH POST RUN!
  • Friday: Another easy hour.
  • Saturday: I joined a friend for 15 or so miles, we sort of mindlessly ran around our local trails.  The day was cold, and not really warming up, so after he left I decided to pick up the pace for my last few miles–I was ready to get home and warm up, so I completed the run on non technical trail and dropped my pace closer to a tempo pace to finish up. After I went to the gym and did some strength work.
  • Sunday: Family run day!  We opted to run an hour on the roads.  The steady rain had flooded all the trails, so we just did a slow recovery pace on roads close to home.


Also, Lily Trotters, the women’s compression socks I wear, shared one of my Balanced Movement workouts.  This one I do in the weeks leading up to events.  Its not for strength, its for muscle memory and foot quickness.  Its here.

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